Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolution's?

Do you make New Years Resolutions?
Do you set some goals for the upcoming year?

I would like to challenge you to share your beautiful handmade cards to brighten someone's day.

For the past year I have participated with Card Cupids.
We have sent cards cuddle packages to children going through chemo and radiation treatment.

Our January drive is to send Valentine cards, and goodie bags for 39 children in a homeless shelter.

There is also a Card Cupid challenge blog where you can win prizes!

Please visit Card Cupids, and make your New Years Resolution to send a Smile to a Child.

To help raise money for prizes, I am selling this used stamp set from The Angel Company for ONLY $7 ( 7 is a heavenly number ) and FREE shipping to the U.S.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi! Is this stamp set still for sale? If so, I would like to buy it from you. Thanks! - Trista
